Concordia College Scholarships in USA
Concordia offers scholarships based on academic excellence and other criteria. Some scholarships are available to students who are admitted and accepted into the university, while others are offered by private donors.
Scholarships are better than loans because you do not have to pay them back after graduating from college. These are awarded based on high school academic performance, test scores and other factors.
Concordia offers one of the best values in higher education. Its students pay less for their college education than students at other institutions in North America due to the region’s safe environment and affordable cost of living. Scholarships for academic merit and financial need help defray these costs, as well as additional expenses such as travel, meals and books.
All incoming international undergraduate and graduate program students are considered for university entrance scholarships based on their academic profile, including high school GPA and in some cases standardized test scores (SAT/ACT). These are awarded with acceptance to the programme.
Concordia offers a variety of scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students. These scholarships are based on merit, academic achievement, leadership, and community involvement as well as financial need. They are a great way to help pay for your studies at Concordia College.
Merit aid is awarded primarily on the basis of your high school GPA and, in some cases, a standardized test score (ACT/CLT/SAT). You are automatically considered for merit scholarship when you apply to Concordia College.
Concordia also awards scholarships for students participating in the visual arts, music, theatre, and speech. A separate application for these scholarships is required. Lastly, if you are the son or daughter of a Concordia alumnus or employee, we have special scholarship opportunities just for you.
The college offers scholarships, bursaries and awards for students of exceptional academic achievement. Students must be admitted to a Bachelor’s degree program to be considered for most scholarships. Awards are based on EITHER high school GPA or test scores. In addition, some scholarships have specific criteria that may vary by department.
Scholarships are available for incoming freshmen interested in participating in a variety of activities, including music, theatre, visual arts and speech and debate. Those applying for these scholarships must complete an application and submit an audition or performance by the deadline.
Concordia also offers a number of scholarships for incoming freshmen who will be members of the Collegiate Leadership Competition or e-sports teams.
Concordia prizes the contributions international students make to education on campus and is pleased to offer generous scholarships that can cover a portion of their cost of attendance. International Excellence Scholarships are competitive, merit-based scholarships that are awarded to international first-year and transfer students for up to four years. Students will be notified of their award at the time of admission.
Application Instructions
Students should apply for admission and demonstrate financial need using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In addition, applicants can compete for various scholarships based on their academic profile, which includes GPA and in some cases standardized test scores.
In addition, some scholarships may be specific to certain areas of study. For example, music, speech and debate, theatre, and visual arts scholarships are available for students who participate in those activities. For these awards, separate applications and performance submissions are required.
Students can also take advantage of Concordia’s test-optional admission policy. This allows applicants to self-report their ACT or SAT scores instead of sending official scores directly to the college. The admission office still considers scores when assessing eligibility for scholarship consideration, but it also places more emphasis on the difficulty of the curriculum, high school GPA, class rank, recommendations, essay, admission interview and grade trends.
Lastly, international students can compete for an International Excellence Scholarship. The scholarship is based on an admitted student’s academic profile and can be stacked with a Transfer Gold Scholarship. To be considered, students must complete an application for admission and provide a transcript from their previous institution(s). A financial statement must also be provided to demonstrate financial need.