I would like to examine the possibility for American students to study abroad in Cyprus and discuss the suitability of students and study abroad advisers who are exploring Cyprus as a relevant and meaningful study destination.
Academic credit
The study abroad programs of the University of Nicosia are credit programs that meet American standards for academic work at the university level.
Studying abroad is a great investment of time and money for most of you. Make sure you take the right steps to get university credits at your local institution for your study abroad experience.
All our educational work is carried out by qualified teachers and the University of Nicosia is fully accredited. After successfully completing the study abroad program, you will receive an official transcript directly from the University of Nicosia.
Although our programs are distinguished by combining travel with academics, we do not grant credit for university travel or the study program. You will continue to be registered as a full-time student at the University of Nicosia.
It is important to understand the credit transfer process in your main college/university to make sure that you can take the right steps to get the transfer credit.
Courses at the University of Nicosia focus on classrooms, contact hours, academic rigor, degrees, and standard assessment methods at most American colleges and universities. The text is published in English, so there is no translation problem for the student’s home school.
Eligibility criteria
Since the University of Nicosia provides all courses and classroom instruction (as provided in the College of Education) in English, students do not need to master a foreign language to study abroad in Cyprus. Likewise, as a large part of the population of Cyprus is fluent in English, it is easy to navigate through Cyprus only in English.
Will, the cultural experience be relevant to my academic, personal, and professional goals?
Nicosia (looks like Nick-o-oh-oh), the capital of Cyprus is a modern European city. Those who have already traveled to Europe will find Nicosia and most of Cyprus very familiar. Those who have not traveled to Europe will have a “microcosmic” perspective of Europe as a very historic region of the world as well as of a modern and dynamic developing society.
American students participating in the Study Abroad program at the University of Nicosia as part of global learning courses will take courses with nearly 4,000 local Cypriot students and 1,000 international students. Students will live in apartments between the residential area surrounding the Nicosia campus.
Again, Cyprus is a small country, not very overwhelming by American students, even from non-urban societies, and therefore students do not need to be attentive to travel to make the most of immersion in society .
Cyprus is a wonderful historic country and offers meaningful practical experiences to those interested in international relations, international trade, history, administration, economics and the other humanities and social sciences.
Student support services
American students participating in the study abroad program at the University of Nicosia will test exceptional student support services, designed for the characteristics of American students abroad and will strategically provide the level of support necessary to make even the first international traveler and the informed multi-country official trip the student is comfortable, but difficult to develop intercultural skills.
Global learning classes provide comprehensive student support services, including pre-departure and on-site counseling, 24/7 local staff support, emergency response, field trips and activities joint strategic, housing and academic and personal support. Become a member of the NAFSA and the Education Abroad Forum, Global Learning Classes is one of the leading study abroad programs for American students.