Understanding Express Entry Next Draw |


Understanding Express Entry Next Draw

Typically, the Express Entry draw takes place every two weeks. The latest draw took place on August 16 and invited candidates who had a CRS score of 388 or below.


This was an all program draw, which means that candidates who received an Invitation to Apply were invited to apply for permanent residence under any of the three economic immigration programs. IRCC has resumed their regular Express Entry draws after a months-long pause.

Understanding Express Entry Draw

Every couple of weeks, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) conducts Express Entry draws. In these draws, IRCC selects the top candidates from the pool based on their Comprehensive Ranking System score. And invites them to apply for permanent residence. Only those with a CRS score higher than the minimum cut-off score receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA).

These draws are either all-program draws, where IRCC selects candidates regardless of their program eligibility or specific occupation. Or they’re category-based draws, where they target candidates whose profiles align with one particular economic goal. Such as a certain language ability or occupation. In 2023, IRCC has been conducting category-based draws on a weekly basis and all-program draws on a monthly basis.

Applicants must be aware that their CRS score can fluctuate depending on various factors, including the quality of the pool and IRCC’s immigration goals. For this reason, it’s important to regularly update your Express Entry profile with new information and re-submit your language test results. This can help ensure that your profile is as competitive as possible for future draws.

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Factors Influencing Invitation Rounds

Several factors can influence whether or not a candidate will receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) during a particular Express Entry draw. For example, the CRS cut-off may increase or decrease based on external factors such as a job offer or additional work experience in Canada, or even a change in the scores of language tests.


IRCC also considers the number of other candidates with a higher score than a potential newcomer when conducting a draw. This is called the tie-breaking rule and ensures that as many candidates as possible are invited in each draw.

Another important factor is the timing of the draws, which are usually held every two weeks. This year, IRCC has been more flexible in its scheduling.

For example, there were four draws in March compared to the typical two or three during this period pre-pandemic. These increases in draws are intended to accommodate provincial nominations, which can add 600 points to a candidate’s Comprehensive Ranking System score. Those who receive a provincial nomination will therefore have an easier time meeting the minimum CRS score needed to be invited to Canada.

Anticipating the Next Draw: Timing and Frequency

IRCC typically conducts Express Entry draws every two weeks on Wednesdays. However, the number of ITAs (Invitation to Apply) can vary depending on the number of candidates in the pool and the immigration targets set in the Canada 2023-2025 Strategic Immigration Plan.

As IRCC resumes regular draw processes this month, we expect to see CRS cut-off scores continue to drop and the number of ITAs to increase. This month, IRCC is expected to conduct more occupation-specific draws than in previous months and introduce its first ever skilled trades draw, targeting 10 select NOC codes.

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We also anticipate the return of yearly French-speaking draws and recurring provincial nominated programs draws for both Federal Skilled Worker and Canadian Experience Class.

These draws will be conducted using a different pool of candidates and may have higher or lower minimum CRS scores. As such, it’s important to keep updated and be ready for the varying draws that will take place this year. This is especially the case as IRCC is expected to start drawing for category-based occupations in 2023.

Strategies to Improve Express Entry Next Draw CRS Scores

Since the CRS score is a key element of an individual’s chances of receiving an ITA. It’s important for Express Entry candidates to actively work on improving their scores. This is especially true if their current score falls below the required cutoff.

Fortunately, there are many factors that can be improved. For example, submitting a French-language proficiency test will increase your points. As will having a job offer from a Canadian employer. Additionally, you can continue to update your profile even after you’ve submitted it to improve your chances of meeting the minimum cutoff for a future draw.

Furthermore, it is worth remembering that IRCC does not adhere to a specific schedule for draws. It may invite more or less candidates based on its preference/desirability and the need to fill certain occupations. As a result, it’s also possible that future draws could be more occupation-specific and less dependent on the CRS score. However, this would require a considerable shift in the way that IRCC manages its Express Entry pool. We will keep you posted on any developments.

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Staying Informed: Official Sources and Updates

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) holds Express Entry draws on a bi-weekly basis. In these draws, IRCC invites qualified candidates to apply for Canadian permanent residence based on their Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score and the requirements of their specific program.

The most recent Express Entry draw was held on August 3, 2023. This was the first category-based Express Entry draw since the pandemic began, and it invited more candidates than in previous draws. The minimum CRS cut-off was higher at 507 points.

On February 8, IRCC announced that Express Entry and Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) candidates would be able to track their application status online using an online tool. This tool applies to applicants in the Canadian Experience Class (CEC). Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) and Federal Trades Program (FTP).

Currently, it is not possible to predict when the next Express Entry draw will occur. During the pandemic, IRCC is focusing on PNP candidates and the CEC. So it will be some time before draws resume for the FSWP and FST. However, it is important to continue to improve your profile. And prepare for the eventual return of regular Express Entry draws.


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